Interested in anything in the vaping fields, from vape devices, news and events, to vape shops. Trying to build a bridge between Vaporesso and our dear users. What is Vaporesso working on? Are we releasing new products, holding an activity? Any interesting Behind The Scenario? Follow my articles to find out the latest news about Vaporesso.
Over the past decade, vaping has rapidly grown in popularity around the world. Sales of electronic cigarettes and vaping devices have steadily risen as many cigarette smokers switch to what is often perceived as a less harmful alternative. In the U.S. alone, 4.5% of adults are estimated to regularly use vaping products(2021). With this growth has come increasing public debate around how vaping should be regulated and taxed compared to traditional tobacco cigarettes. This article aims to examine the key factors that have contributed to very different tax approaches between these two nicotine delivery methods
From the invention of the first vaping device until now, flavor has become an essential part of the vaping experience.
VAPORESSO’s new Target 100 and 200 mods bring convenience to DTL and outdoor vaping
In a year that has become synonymous with struggle, 2020 has been a rollercoaster ride for companies and people around the world. As a company looking back on this year, we at Vaporesso are very proud of the things we have achieved, the obstacles we have overcome, and the good that we have spread out into the world.
-On August 20, 2020, VAPORESSO received the acceptance letter for the first round of its PMTA applications from the FDA - only three days after submission. According to its U.S. scientific CRO agent, the application received positive comments from FDA on its overall preparation.
Vaporesso est décidément une marque grand public qui ne cesse d’innover et d’améliorer la qualité de ses produits. Cette nouvelle box, baptisée GEN, en est la preuve. Ce qui frappe en premier c’est bien sûr son poids : 107 grammes sans les accus. Pour parvenir à cette légèreté, Vaporesso a choisi de produire sa box avec du plastique. Cependant, les finitions qui lui sont appliquées sont exemplaires. C’est simple, on croirait du métal, et seul le poids et un examen approfondi de la GEN permette de se rendre compte de la réalité. C’est bluffant.
La mode des pods, c’est avant tout une histoire de MTL. Quelle que soit sa forme. Pour ceux qui apprécient cette vape mais souhaite garder une ecig au style plus traditionnel, Vaporesso vient de sortir une nouvelle gamme appelée VM, dont voici la version Solo 22 mm.
By 2025, the global vape industry is projected to be worth upwards of $61 billion. If you’d like to get in on that action by opening a vape shop, you’re in good company. You’re sure to face a lot of competition; however, your odds of success will be much higher when you properly educate yourself. Below, we’ll outline the basics of how to open a vape shop so you can hit the ground running on this endeavor.
Have you ever had this experience while vaping, when suddenly your tongue just can’t tell the flavor of the e-juice? If so, then you have vapers tongue: a vaper loses the ability to taste vape juice suddenly and unexpectedly. Don’t panic! If you unfortunately come across this situation, it's only temporary.
Offering the highest quality in the vaping industry have always been the purpose of Vaporesso. Such high standards of excellency have allowed Vaporesso to spread its expertise worldwide, and particularly in France, where not only food, fashion and wine are expected to be a fine art. Vape tech is also expected to be a fine craft, and this is why Vaporesso has met a huge success in France.