WARNING: This product contains nicotine.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Can you smoke when…

For people who enjoy smoking, knowing when it is safe to smoke can sometimes be challenging. Is it risky and dangerous to smoke after certain dental procedures or while pregnant or breastfeeding are common questions they have.

For many people not knowing the answer to these questions can be frustrating. While they want to be able to enjoy a relaxing smoke, many don't want to risk causing themselves or others unnecessary pain and other problems by smoking at inappropriate times. The following are answers to some common questions smokers ask about when it's safe to smoke.

1. How Long After Wisdom Teeth Removal Can I Smoke? When Can I Smoke After Tooth Extraction?

Many smokers who have recently seen a dentist to repair or remove a wisdom tooth often wonder how long after wisdom teeth can they smoke. The answer varies depending on what type of work you have done on your wisdom tooth. However, a good rule of thumb is to wait between 48 and 72 hours after having dental work done on your wisdom tooth before smoking. There are several good reasons for waiting a few days before smoking after a dentist has been working on your wisdom tooth before you start smoking once again.

1) The chemicals in cigarettes can interfere with the healing process and make it take longer.

2) Smoking too soon after having work done on your wisdom tooth increases your chances of developing a painful condition known as a dry socket threefold.

3) You are much more likely to develop an infection in your wisdom tooth if too much of the chemicals in the cigarette get into any cuts around the tooth before they heal properly.

So if you want to make sure dental work done on your wisdom tooth heals as quickly as possible, wait 48 to 72 hours before smoking.

2. Can You Smoke After A Root Canal?

After most dental procedures people are discouraged from smoking cigarettes. That's why it's understandable if you ask can you smoke after a root canal. You can….but it’s not recommended to smoke….ever.

There are no restrictions smoking cigarettes after a root canal. While smoking can potentially be a problem when it comes to the healing of the gum after an extraction, it is unlikely to have any effect on a completed root canal because the nerve has been removed and the hole sealed. This prevents cigarette smoking from interfering with it and causing a dry socket.

3. What Are The Dangers Of Smoking Cigarettes While Pregnant?

When women smoke during pregnancy, the cigarette smoke they take in contains over 2,500 chemicals that can potentially negatively impact their unborn child. It can cause the underdevelopment of the fetus because of carbon monoxide and nicotine decreasing fetal oxygen levels. Nicotine can easily crosses the placenta. It has been found large concentrations in breast milk, amniotic fluid and fetal blood when pregnant women smoke. This can disrupt the ability of a baby to sleep.

Smoking during pregnancy leads to more complications during pregnancy, stillbirths, birth defects and children with chronic disabilities, ADHD, congenital heart defects, cognitive and behavioral problems, mental retardation, childhood cancer like leukemia and lymphoma and other serious health problems.

When women smoke while pregnant, it increases the risk they will give birth to an infant who has a low birth weight and is more susceptible to SIDS, cancer and attention deficit disorder. The effects of smoking while pregnant can negatively impact the child for decades after they are born. Many of those children end up with lower levels of HDL or 'good' cholesterol. This increases their risk of suffering strokes and heart attacks when they get older.

4. Can You Smoke While Breastfeeding?

The carcinogens and other toxic chemicals in the cigarettes a breastfeeding mother smokes make their way into breast milk at very high rates. When babies drink the milk, the chemicals make their way into their bodies. The amount of the toxins and the risks they pose depends on how much and how often the breastfeeding mother smokes. Smoking reduces the amount of breast milk mothers produce and leads to their babies suffering with abdominal cramps, vomiting and diarrhea.

But breast milk contains enzymesso many that provide important protective immunities for infants, doctors still encourage mothers who smoke to breast feed their babies. Sadly, the toxins from smoking puts those babies at risk for lung infections, asthma, painful colic and more allergy-related illnesses.

When women ask their doctors can they smoke while breastfeeding the answer they usually get is yes, but with a caveat.

1) They are not allowed to smoke while breastfeeding or immediately before. This ensures less nicotine and other dangerous chemicals in cigarettes get into the breast milk.

2) They must smoke outside the home and away from the child. The mother must agree to smoke fewer cigarettes, cover their hair with a shower cap while smoking, wear a 'smoking outfit' and change their clothes and leave them outside after smoking to protect the child from the dangers of second-hand smoke.

5. Can You Donate Blood If You Smoke?

According to the American Red Cross, smoking cigarettes doesn’t disqualify a person from donating blood. However, smokers who want to donate blood should plan to not smoke the day of their appointment before they make their blood donation and for at least 30 minutes afterward because of an increased risk of dizziness or fainting.

The only reason cigarette smoking can prevent you from donating blood is because it raises your blood pressure. If you smoke before donating your blood and your blood pressure is too high when you get to the facility, you will not be allowed to donate your blood. So if you are serious about donating blood, don't smoke until after you have made your blood donation.